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Understanding the Point System: How Traffic Violations Affect Your Driving Record in New York

The DMV assigns points to various traffic violations. In sum, the more serious the traffic violation the more points that are assigned. For example, speeding violations have a graduated system of points based on how many MPH over the speed limit the motorist is convicted of. For example, if you are driving and convicted of speeding 100 miles an hour in a 55 MPH Zone, this violation carries 11 points and will subject you to a suspension and possible one year revocation by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Speeding convictions and points that are assigned are a function of how many miles an hour over the speed limit the motorist is convicted of. Obviously the greater the speeding conviction, the more points and the greater effect it has on your driving record and insurance premiums.

In addition, if a motorist accumulates 6 points under a driving record in an 18-month period based on the violation date, they are subject to a driver assessment fee which increases incrementally for every point above six.

Other traffic violations that carry significant points are operating a motor vehicle while using a cell phone or a portable electronic device which carries five points. Leaving the scene of an accident with property damage carries 3 points and rises to the level of a misdemeanor if there is personal injury. Tailgating or following too closely carries 4 points while most lane violations carry three points.

Other significant charges involve unsafe railroad crossing which can carry three points and obviously a very serious charge of passing a stopped school bus which can carry five points and pose significant danger to others.

The bottom line is that minding the rules of the road in addition to completing the defensive driving course can help reduce points and your auto insurance premium.

If you need an experienced traffic attorney on Long Island, NY, please contact us at the Law Offices of Michael W. Alpert at (516) 280-7288 or e-mail: